řř is a poster I designed for CzechImage, a poster design competition held by Bucharest Czech Centre ( @centrulceh ) in late 2018. Following a typographic approach, the poster shows two ř letters. The reason behind this choice is that the letter ř is unique to the Czech alphabet.

Looking back in history for the first Czech type designers and trying to understand how they managed to work with diacritic marks, two names stood out: Oldřich Menhart and Vojtěch Preissig, and Veronika Burian‘s ( @typetogether ) dissertation for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design at The University of Reading was a huge source of inspiration for this poster, providing a lot of useful insights.

The technique behind the poster is pretty simple and involves trancing two ř's, one made by Menhart and the other by Preissig, engraving, and lino printing them. Linoprint was also a throwback to the masters of the past, being a common technique used at the beginning of the 20th century. The colors are also inspired by one of Menhart's designs.


Bucharest Design Meetup


36 Days of Type 2020